๐ŸƒMETAH Ecosystem

$Metah Token Total Supply = 450,000,000

Play to Earn Pool - Only can be obtained from Jogging Mode and Racing Mode

Production Pool - Involves Staking Pool, Marketing, CEX & Liquidity

Staking Pool - Able to stake through Rank Mode, Feeding, Sleep & Treatment

Token Sale - Categorized into Private Sale, NFT Sale & Public Sale

Team Token - Shared among Investors, Chairman, President, Founder, Co-Founder Team, Blockchain Team, IT Team, Game Team, Media Team, Packaging Team, Video Team, Influencer, Marketing, Community Lead, Advisor Team & VC Team.

Governance Pool - The community will be able to vote and decide the tokens to be converted to Breeding Pool or distributed back to Play to Earn Pool daily.

Breeding Pool - is the total amount of METAH collected from the in-game activities. Token in Breeding Pool will be locked for 365 days and then release to Play to Earn Pool (30%), Burn Pool (25%), Horse Acquisition Pool (15%), Staking Pool (15%), Tournament Prize Pool (10%), and CSR Pool (5%)

Burn Pool - $METAH will be burned to sustain the token value.

Horse Acquisition Pool - $METAH will be used to acquire physical horses for rewarding those players who will achieve the honor Metah Horse.

Tournament Prize Pool - $METAH will be contributed to the Tournament Mode and also given back to the community.

CSR Pool - $METAH will be burned and used to achieve a balance of economic, environmental, and social imperatives (Charity).

Last updated