๐Ÿ’ฐNFT Value Appreciation

1. NFT Opportunity:

The Metahorseโ€™s limited supply of NFT is not only to stabilize its value over time but also to guarantee higher future value.

2. Metahorse Attributes:

The Metahorse attributes are upgrade packages of unique characteristics of racehorses that will facilitate the players to get to the highest ranking. These attributes will consist of rank, star ratings, and horse colour which will be disclosed randomly during the minting process. Unlike other GameFi platforms, the attribute upgrades in Metahorse cost a large amount of METAH to increase the difficulty level of the game.

3. Tournament Mode:

All Metahorse NFT owners will be able to participate in the Tournament Mode, and each participant stands a chance to be promoted to Metah Horse honour instantly by winning the Meta Ticket.

4. In-Game Mechanisms

The Metahorse will be free and fair in all respects and each player will have an equal opportunity to advance to Metah Horse honour. Also, the players will be able to breed and fusion their racehorses, join special training, enter into the Rank and Tournament Mode, and explore many more options to enhance the attributes of their racehorses.

5. Metaverse:

The players will be permitted to use the Metahorse NFTs in future projects.

Last updated