๐Horse Health Indicator
The horse health indicator is a 7-scale bar to assess the total health condition of the racehorse. One health bar on the scale will drop after every 25 horseracing events or after every four hours. If the horse health indicator of a racehorse is green then the horse is healthy and fit for racing whereas yellow indicates a fifty percent reduction in overall racehorse attributes. The red colour on the horse health indicator signal that the horse will not be able to run while the blue indicates sickness.
Feeding โ The players can stake METAH to feed the horse. If the horse will not be fed within 24 hours, its health condition will drop by 1 bar.
Sleep โ The players can stake METAH to ensure good sleep for the horse. If the horse will not sleep in 24 hours, its health condition will drop by 1 bar.
Stable โ The players must have to hire a place at the Metahorse stable, where Feeding, Sleeping, Treatment, Breeding, and Fusion services will be provided.
Carrots โ The players can feed carrots to the racehorses which will increase horse attributes by 5% for the next 10 horseracing events and as an added advantage, the horse health indicator will also remain stable for 24 hours.
Treatment โ The players can treat sick horses through METAH staking.
*Note: The staked tokens can be used in the game after the staking period ends.
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